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About Me

Natalia Sepúlveda is an award-winning bilingual children’s book author – KAI THE MISSIONARY SEA TURTLE and a Spanish translator. She holds a master’s degree in Spanish from the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Natalia is originally from San Germán, Puerto Rico, and currently lives in Central Florida with her husband, Joseph, and three children. She enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and serving the Lord. She is the owner of Bilingual Lifestyle Publishing and runs a Bilingual Lifestyle blog, where she shares her bilingual family adventures, book reviews, and bilingual and educational resources.

Natalia Sepúlveda, es una autora bilingüe galardonada de libros infantiles – LA TORTUGA MARINA MISIONERA y traductora de español. Ella tiene una maestría en Español de la Universidad de la Florida Central en Orlando. Natalia nació en San Germán, Puerto Rico y actualmente vive en la Florida Central junto a su esposo Joseph y sus tres hijos. Le encanta viajar, compartir en familia y servirle al Señor. Es dueña de Bilingual Lifestyle Publishing y dirige su Bilingual Lifestyle blog, donde comparte las aventuras bilingües y educativos.


Bilingual Resources for children Ages 1-8!

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